- Movie of people saying their screennames
- "concept" Facebook albums - cats, cropped
- Website that's just a timer
- Website that gets louder with more people on it
Stupid meme idea and some stuff I"ll never make:
- Saw Lifelike at the Walker Art Center. Quite a well-curated show, layout-wise - totally destroyed the John Waters one that began its run in June. Too bad that their website is overdeveloped (and the bees are
justannoyingnetart), I'd link out to more works. Related: Is Frank Gaard a Stuckist? And how can he out-compete the dolphin? - Drafted some "voxel studies." I need to get away from cubes - these turned into a painting that I ended up knifing out of hatred.
- Added a few thoughts on the Great GIF Fiasco of 2012
- Ended up watching a bunch of French New Wave film, just because Francois Truffaut was the scientist guy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The 400 Blows was very memorable - really bold tracking shot at the end.